Answered By: askalibrarian askalibrarian
Last Updated: Jul 26, 2018     Views: 58


Start at the Library homepage ( and go to LibGuides, then choose either Elementary and Early Childhood Education or Secondary Education. You'll find a list of databases there to choose from. Education Source would be a great database to start with, and you can limit (in any database) to Scholarly / Peer-reviewed articles (there's a checkbox for that). 

Try the Advanced search, and be prepared to mix and match, trying different terms (like "public education" and "student learning"). Look at the subject headings of any good articles to find more like them.

If you want to follow-up, there's a librarian available every weekday evening. You might also want to get in touch with the Education Librarian, Jess Jordan

Let me know if this helps or if you get stuck.

Judy Silva


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